Titel | Jaartal | Auteur(s) | ISSN | Tijdschrift |
Dyscalculia: a clinical study with some neuropathological correlations | 1959 | Cohn | 0065-9479 | Transactions of the American Neurological Association |
Dyscalculia | 1961 | Cohn | 0003-9942 | Archives of Neurology |
Developmental dyscalculia | 1968 | Cohn | 0031-3955 | Pediatric clinics of North America |
Developmental dyscalculia: a brief report on four cases | 1971 | Slade, Russell | 0033-2917 | Psychological medicine |
Developmental Dyscalculia | 1974 | Kosc | Journal of Learning Disabilities | |
Dyscalculia and elements of the developmental Gerstmann syndrome in school children | 1978 | Spellacy, Peter | 0010-9452 | Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior |
Dyscalculia and dyslexia | 1979 | Svien,Sherlock | 0736-9387 | Annals of Dyslexia |
Dyscalculia: Critical analysis and future directions | 1979 | Levy | 0272-8893 | Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics |
Educational Implications of Dyscalculia | 1979 | Flinter | Arithmetic Teacher | |
Dyscalculia and the Minicalculator: The ALP Program | 1980 | Block | Academic Therapy | |
Finger misrepresentation and dyscalculia in an ecological context: toward an ecological (cultural) evolutionary neuro-psychiatry | 1983 | Pontius | 0031-5125 | Perceptual and motor skills |
Cognitive mechanisms in number processing and calculation: evidence from dyscalculia | 1985 | McCloskey, Caramazza, Basili | 0278-2626 | Brain and cognition |
Research Measures for Dyscalculia: A Validity and Reliability Study. | 1986 | Geiman | 0272-8893 | Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics |
The Work of Dr. Ladislav Kosc on Dyscalculia | 1986 | Sharma, Loveless | 0272-8893 | Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics |
Dyscalculia and Other Learning Problems in Arithmetic: A Historical Perspective | 1986 | Sharma | 0272-8893 | Focus on Learning Problems in Mathematics |
Do some of your students have dyscalculia? Dilemma in Mathematics: Learning Difficulties in Good Students | 1986 | Tishler | 0094-0771 | Middle School Journal |
Developmental dyscalculia | 1988 | Shalev, Weirtman, Amir | 0010-9452 | Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior |
Perceptual-motor and attentional correlates of developmental dyscalculia | 1989 | Rosenberg | 0364-5134 | Annals of neurology |
Digit dyslexia: A category-specific disorder in developmental dyscalculia | 1989 | Temple | 0264-3294 | Cognitive Neuropsychology |
Dyscalculia in patients with vertigo | 1990 | Risey, Briner | 0957-4271 | Journal of vestibular research : equilibrium & orientation |
A dyscalculic patient with selectively impaired processing of the numbers 7, 9, and 0 | 1991 | Weddell, Davidoff | 0278-2626 | Brain and cognition |
Procedural dyscalculia and number fact dyscalculia: Double dissociation in developmental dyscalculia | 1991 | Temple | 0264-3294 | Cognitive Neuropsychology |
Dyscalculia in children | 1991 | O'Hare, Brown, Aitken | 0012-1622 | Developmental medicine and child neurology |
Theory-based assessment of acquired dyscalculia | 1991 | McCloskey, Aliminosa, Macaruso | 0278-2626 | Brain and cognition |
Cognitive mechanisms in numerical processing: Evidence from acquired dyscalculia | 1992 | McCloskey | 0010-0277 | Cognition : international journal of cognitive psychology |
Children with developmental dyscalculia | 1992 | Gordon | 0012-1622 | Developmental medicine and child neurology |
The Acquisition of Arithmetic in Normal Children: Assessment by a Cognitive Model of Dyscalculia | 1993 | Shalev, Manor, Amir, Gross-Tsur | 0012-1622 | Developmental medicine and child neurology |
Developmental dyscalculia, gender, and the brain | 1993 | Gross-Tsur, Manor, Shalev | 0003-9888 | Archives of disease in childhood |
Primary dyscalculia after a medial frontal lesion of the left hemisphere | 1993 | Lucchelli, De Renzi | 0022-3050 | Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry |
Developmental dyscalculia and medical assessment | 1993 | Shalev, Gross-Tsur | 0022-2194 | Journal of learning disabilities : programs, materials, techniques, research, issues |
Developmental dyscalculia in children: review of the literature and clinical validation | 1994 | von Aster | 0936-6075 | Acta pædopsychiatrica : international journal of child and adolescent psychiatry |
Counting on dyscalculia | 1994 | Allen | 0274-7529 | Discover |
Dyscalculia and mathematics achievement | 1994 | Hughes, Kolstad | 0094-1956 | Journal of instructional psychology |
Developmental Dyscalculia and Cognitive Neuropsychology | 1994 | Sokol, Macaruso, Gollan | 8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology : an international journal of life-span issues in neuropsychology |
Dyslexia and dyscalculia in children--risks, early precursors, bottlenecks and cognitive mechanisms | 1994 | Lyytinen, Ahonen, Räsänen | 0001-6586 | Acta paedopsychiatrica |
Developmental dyscalculia behavioral and attentional aspects: A research note | 1995 | Shalev, Auerbach, Gross-Tsur | 0021-9630 | Journal of child psychology and psychiatry and allied disciplines |
Developmental dyscalculia and brain laterality | 1995 | Shalev, Manor, Amir, Wertman-Elad, Gross-Tsur | 0010-9452 | Cortex : a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior |
Impaired arithmetic facts but intact conceptual knowledge - A single-case study of dyscalculia | 1995 | Hittmair-Delazer, Sailer, Benke | 0010-9452 | Cortex : a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior |
Remediation of Arabic Numeral Processing in a Case of Developmental Dyscalculia | 1996 | Sullivan | 0960-2011 | Neuropsychological Rehabilitation |
Dyscalculia and Dyslexia After Right Hemisphere Injury in Infancy | 1996 | Levin, Scheller, Rickard, Grafman, Martinkowski, Winslow, Mirvis | 0003-9942 | Archives of neurology |
Developmental dyscalculia: prevalence and demographic features | 1996 | Gross-Tsur, Manor, Shalev | 0012-1622 | Developmental medicine and child neurology |
Neuropsychological Aspects of Developmental Dyscalculia | 1997 | Shalev, Manor, Gross-Tsur | 1354-6791 | Mathematical Cognition |
Profound Developmental Dyscalculia: Evidence for a Cardinal-Ordinal Skills Acquisition Device | 1997 | Ta'ir, Brezner, Ariel | 0278-2626 | Brain and cognition |
Regional metabolism: Associations with dyscalculia in Alzheimer's disease | 1998 | Hirono, Mori, Ishii, Imamura, Shimomura, Tanimukai, Kazui, Hashimoto, Yamashita | 0022-3050 | Journal of neurology, neurosurgery and psychiatry |
Persistence of developmental dyscalculia: What counts? Results from a 3-year prospective follow-up study | 1998 | Shalev, Manor, Auerbach, Gross-Tsur | 0022-3476 | The journal of pediatrics |
Number Processing Dissociations: Evidence from a Case of Dyscalculia | 1998 | Cuetos, Miera | 1138-7416 | The Spanish Journal of Psychology |
Acquired Procedural Dyscalculia Associated to a Left Parietal Lesion in a Child | 1999 | Martins, Ferreira, Borges | 0929-7049 | Neuropsychology, development, and cognition, Section C |
Impact of attentional dysfunction in dyscalculia | 1999 | Lindsay, Tomazie, Levine, Accardo | 0012-1622 | Developmental medicine and child neurology |
Dyscalculia in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease | 1999 | Carlomagno, Iavarone, Nolfe, Bourène, Martin, Deloche | 0001-6314 | Acta neurologica Scandinavica |
Metabolic abnormalities detected by 1H-MRS in dyscalculia and dysgraphia | 1999 | Levy, Reis, Grafman | 0028-3878 | Neurology |
Language Development and Concept Flexibility in Dyscalculia: A Case Study | 2000 | Montis | 0021-8251 | Journal for research in mathematics education |
The problems of diagnosis and remediation of dyscalculia | 2000 | Price, Youé | 0228-0671 | For the learning of mathematics : an international journal of mathematics education |
Understanding dissociations in dyscalculia. A brain imaging study of the impact of number size on the cerebral networks for exact and approximate calculation | 2000 | Stanescu-Cosson, Pinel, van de Moortele, Le Bihan, Cohen, Dehaene | 0006-8950 | Brain : a journal of neurology |
Developmental dyscalculia: prevalence and prognosis | 2000 | Shalev, Auerbach, Manor, Gross-Tsur | 1018-8827 | European child & adolescent psychiatry |
Developmental cognitive neuropsychology of number processing and calculation: varieties of developmental dyscalculia | 2000 | von Aster | 1018-8827 | European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry |
Developmental dyscalculia is a familial learning disability | 2001 | Shalev, Manor, Kerem, Ayali, Badichi, Friedlander, Gross-Tsur | 0022-2194 | Journal of learning disabilities |
Developmental dyscalculia | 2001 | Shalev, Gross-Tsur | 0887-8994 | Pediatric Neurology |
Attentional Function as Measured by a Continuous Performance Task in Children with Dyscalculia | 2001 | Lindsay, Tomazic, Levine, Accardo | 0196-206X | JDBP : journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics |
Numerical and arithmetical deficits in learning-disabled children: Relation to dyscalculia and dyslexia | 2001 | Geary, Hoard | 0268-7038 | Aphasiology : an international, interdisciplinary journal |
Cortical Correlates of Dyscalculia in the Preterm Population: The Search Continues | 2001 | Kuban | 1533-7820 | Journal Watch Neurology |
Acalculia and Dyscalculia | 2002 | Ardila, Rosselli | 1040-7308 | Neuropsychology Review |
More Evidence for the Role of the Central Executive in Retrieving Arithmetic Facts - A Case Study of Severe Developmental Dyscalculia | 2002 | Kaufmann | 1380-3395 | Neuropsychology, development, and cognition, Section A |
A systematic procedure for identifying and classifying children with Dyscalculia among primary school children in India | 2002 | Ramaa, Gowramma | 10769242 | Dyslexia |
Dyscalculia | 2002 | McCrone | 1474-4422 | Lancet Neurology |
Dyscalculia and arithmetic difficulties: some reflections | 2003 | van Biervliet | 0582-2351 | Scientia paedagogica experimentalis |
Functional and Structural Alterations of the Intraparietal Sulcus in a Developmental Dyscalculia of Genetic Origin | 2003 | Molko, Cachia, Rivière, Mangin, Bruandet, Le Bihan, Cohen, Dehaene | 0896-6273 | Neuron |
Dyscalculia: A unifying concept in understanding mathematics learning disabilities | 2003 | Munro | 1940-4158 | Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities |
Does dyscalculia add up? | 2003 | Chinn | 0308-6275 | Dyslexia review |
Developmental Dyscalculia | 2004 | Shalev | 0883-0738 | Journal of child neurology |
Developmental dyscalculia and basic numerical capacities: a study of 8-9-year-old students | 2004 | Landerl, Bevan, Butterworth | 0010-0277 | Cognition |
A cognitive characterization of dyscalculia in Turner syndrome | 2004 | Bruandet, Molko, Cohen, Dehaene | 0028-3932 | Neuropsychologia |
Understanding dyscalculia for teaching | 2004 | Vaidya | 0013-1172 | Education |
The role of semantic and symbolic representations in arithmetic processing: insights from simulated dyscalculia in a connectionist model | 2004 | Stoianov, Zorzi, Umiltà | 0010-9452 | Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior |
Automatic Activation of Internal Magnitudes: A Study of Developmental Dyscalculia | 2005 | Rubinsten, Henik | 0894-4105 | Neuropsychology |
Developmental dyscalculia: a prospective six-year follow-up | 2005 | Shalev, Manor, Gross-Tsur | 0012-1622 | Developmental medicine and child neurology |
ADHD and dyscalculia: Evidence for independent familial transmission | 2005 | Monuteaux, Faraone, Herzig, Navsaria, Biederman | 0022-2194 | Journal of learning disabilities |
Dyscalculia and learning difficulties in mathematics | 2005 | Chinn | 0013-1547 | Education today -London- College of preceptors then college of teachers |
Education and treatment of calculation abilities of low-achieving students and students with dyscalculia: whole class and individual implementations | 2005 | Lucangeli, Tressoldi, De Candia | 0735-004X | Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities |
Development of a first-line screener for dyscalculia in higher education | 2005 | Beacham, Trott | 1365-7275 | Skill journal |
Screening for Dyscalculia within HE | 2005 | Beacham, Trott | 1473-4869 | MSOR Connections |
Dyscalculia: issues of existence, identification and prevention | 2005 | Gifford | 1463-6840 | Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics |
Dyscalculia | 2005 | Cipolotti, Van Harskamp | 1473-9348 | Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation |
Impaired neural networks for approximate calculation in dyscalculic children: a functional MRI study | 2006 | Kucian, Loenneker, Dietrich, Dosch, Martin, von Aster | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and brain functions |
An open trial assessment of "The Number Race", an adaptive computergame for remediation of dyscalculia | 2006 | Wilson, Revkin, D. Cohen, L. Cohen, Dehaene | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and brain functions |
Principles underlying the design of "The Number Race", an adaptive computergame for remediation of dyscalculia | 2006 | Wilson, Dehaene, Revkin, Pinel, L. Cohen, D. Cohen | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and brain functions |
Memory abilities in children with subtypes of dyscalculia | 2006 | Rosselli, Matute, Pinto, Ardila | 8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology |
What Dyslexia can tell us about Dyscalculia | 2006 | Chinn | 0308-6275 | Dyslexia review |
Double Dissociation of Functions in Developmental Dyslexia and Dyscalculia | 2006 | Rubinsten, Henik | 0022-0663 | Journal of educational psychology |
"Forging the future". Dyscalculia and Dyslexia in Higher Education | 2006 | Trott | 1473-4869 | Msor Connections |
Dyscalculia - Does it add up? | 2006 | Cawse | 0308-6275 | Dyslexia review |
Dyscalculia: myths and models | 2006 | Gifford | 0021-8251 | Research in mathematics education |
Project Report: Wider use of DyscalculiUM An electronic screening tool for dyscalculia in HE | 2006 | Trott, Beacham | MSOR Connections | |
Dyscalculia at an Early Age: Characteristics and Potential Influence on Socio-Emotional Development PS. Zie revised version 2017 | 2006 | Geary | Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development | |
Virtual Dyscalculia Induced by Parietal-Lobe TMS Impairs Automatic Magnitude Processing | 2007 | Cohen Kadosh R, Cohen Kadosh K, Schuhmann, Kaas, Goebel, Henik, Sack | 0960-9822 | Current biology |
Patterns of developmental dyscalculia with or without dyslexia | 2007 | Tressoldi, Rosati, Lucangeli | 1355-4794 | Neurocase |
A combined event-related potential and neuropsychological investigation of developmental dyscalculia | 2007 | Soltesz, Szucs, Dekany, Markus, Csepe | 0304-3940 | Neuroscience letters |
Brain Mechanism of Developmental Dyscalculia (review) | 2007 | Zhang | 1000-6729 | Chinese mental health journal |
Impaired parietal magnitude processing in developmental dyscalculia | 2007 | Price, Holloway, Räsänen, Vesterinen, Ansari | 0960-9822 | Current Biology |
Are dyslexia and dyscalculia associated with Rolandic epilepsy? A short report on ten Italian patients | 2007 | Canavese, Rigardetto, Viano, Vittorini, Bassi, Pieri, Capizzi | 1294-9361 | Epileptic Disorders |
Dyscalculia | 2007 | Cohen Kadosh R, Walsh | 0960-9822 | Current Biology |
Number development and developmental dyscalculia | 2007 | von Aster, Shalev | 0012-1622 | Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology |
Mathematical abilities in Preschoolers: Potential Diagnostic Probes for Developmental Dyscalculia | 2007 | Rusconi, Butterworth | Advances in Clinical and Cognitive Neurosciences | |
Dyscalculia in harrow | 2007 | Messenger, Emerson, Bird | Mathematics teaching incorporating micromath | |
An overview of dyscalculia Methods for ascertaining and accommodating dyscalculic children in the classroom | 2007 | Michaelson | The Australian Mathematics Teacher | |
Dyscalculia and dyslexia in higher education - "Pathways to Progress" | 2007/ 2008 | Trott | MSOR Connections | |
Optimized voxel-based morphometry in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2008 | Rotzer, Kucian, Martin, von Aster, Klaver, Loenneker | 1053-8119 | Neuroimage |
Naming speed in dyslexia and dyscalculia | 2008 | Willburger, Fussenegger, Moll, Wood, Landerl | 1041-6080 | Learning and Individual Differences |
Dyscalculia: neuroscience and education | 2008 | Kaufmann | 2141-5161 | Educational Research |
Emotional and behavioral characteristics over a six-year period in youths with persistent and nonpersistent dyscalculia | 2008 | Auerbach, Gross-Tsur, Manor, Shalev | 0022-2194 | Journal of Learning Disabilities |
Core information processing deficits in developmental dyscalculia and low numeracy | 2008 | Iuculano, Tang, Hall, Butterworth | 1467-7687 | Developmental science |
In search of dyscalculia | 2008 | Gifford, Rockliffe | Proceedings of the British Society for Research into Learning Mathematics | |
Developmental Dyscalculia: heterogeneity might not mean different mechanisms | 2009 | Rubinsten, Henik | 1364-6613 | Trends in cognitive science |
Dyslexia and dyscalculia: Two learning disorders with different cognitive profiles | 2009 | Landerl, Fussenegger, Moll, Willburger | 0022-0965 | Journal of experimental child psychology |
Neural Correlates of Symbolic Number Comparison in Developmental Dyscalculia | 2009 | Mussolin, De Volder, Grandin, Schlögel, Nassogne, Noël | 0898-929X | Journal of cognitive neuroscience |
Attention, automaticity, and developmental dyscalculia | 2009 | Ashkenazi, Rubinsten, Henik | 0894-4105 | Neuropsychology |
Dysfunctional neural network of spatial working memory contributes to developmental dyscalculia | 2009 | Rotzer, Loenneker, Kucian, Martin, Klaver, von Aster | 0028-3932 | Neuropsychologia |
Numerical distance effect in developmental dyscalculia | 2009 | Ashkenazi, Mark-Zigdon, Henik | 0885-2014 | Cognitive Development |
Atypical development of numerical cognition: Characteristics of developmental dyscalculia | 2009 | Dowker, Kaufmann | 0885-2014 | Cognitive Development |
Numerical and non-numerical ordinality processing in children with and without developmental dyscalculia: Evidence from fMRI | 2009 | Kaufmann, Vogel, Starke, Kremser, Schocke | 0885-2014 | Cognitive Development |
Co-occurrence of developmental disorders: The case of Developmental Dyscalculia | 2009 | Rubinsten | 0885-2014 | Cognitive Development |
An electro-physiological temporal principal component analysis of processing stages of number comparison in developmental dyscalculia | 2009 | Soltész, Szücs | 0885-2014 | Cognitive Development |
Basic number processing deficits in developmental dyscalculia: Evidence from eye tracking | 2009 | Moeller, Neuburger, Kaufmann, Landerl, Nuerk | 0885-2014 | Cognitive Development |
Dyscalculia, Dyslexia, and Medical Students' Needs for Learning and Using Statistics | 2009 | Macdougall | 1087-2981 | Medical Education Online |
Neuroanatomical correlates of developmental dyscalculia: combined evidence from morphometry and tractography | 2009 | Rykhlevskaia, Uddin, Kondos, Menon | 1662-5161 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Developmental dyscalculia: compensatory mechanisms in left intraparietal regions in response to nonsymbolic magnitudes | 2009 | Kaufmann, Vogel, Starke, Kremser, Schocke, Wood | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and Brain Functions |
How dyscalculia adds up When numbers don't add up | 2009 | Spinney | 0262-4079 | New Scientist |
Treating dyslexic and dyscalculic students | 2009 | Kumar, Raja | 0973-8827 | i-manager's journal of educational psychology |
Will dyscalculics be benefitted by dint of visual Learning? | 2009 | Kumar, Raja | 0973-8827 | i-manager's journal of educational psychology |
Dyscalculia and numeracy testing | 2009 | Matthews | MSOR Connections | |
What's 25% of 48? Tony Attwood investigates how the dyscalculic student can be expected to make sense of percentages | 2009 | Attwood | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
Attentional networks in developmental dyscalculia | 2010 | Askenazi, Henik | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and Brain Functions |
Symbolic and nonsymbolic number comparison in children with and without dyscalculia | 2010 | Mussolin, Mejias, Noël | 0010-0277 | Cognition |
Foundational numerical capacities and the origins of dyscalculia | 2010 | Butterworth | 1364-6613 | Trends in cognitive science |
Mathematics anxiety in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2010 | Rubinsten, Tannock | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and brain functions: BBF |
A disassociation between physical and mental number bisection in developmental dyscalculia | 2010 | Ashkenazi, Henik | 0028-3932 | Neuropsychologia |
Developmental trajectory of number acuity reveals a severe impairment in developmental dyscalculia | 2010 | Piazza, Facoetti, Trussardi, Berteletti, Conte, Lucangeli, Dehaene, Zorzi | 0010-0277 | Cognition |
Dyscalculia: What is its prevalence? Research evidence from case studies | 2010 | Peard | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Low numeracy and dyscalculia: identification and intervention | 2010 | Butterworth, Laurillard | ZDM Mathematics Education | |
An Investigation on the Error Patterns in Computation of Whole Numbers Committed by Singaporean Children with Dyscalculia | 2010 | Hwee Chia, Tee Ng | JAASEP | |
D is for... Dyslexia, dysgraphia, and dyscalculia, three common learning disorders that are sometimes the cause of early struggles with reading, writing, and arithmetic | 2010 | Pechman | Scholastic parent & child | |
Computer-supported instruction in enhancing the Performance of dyscalculics | 2010 | Kumar, Raja | 0973-8827 | i-manager's Journal on School Educational Technology |
Non-dyscalculic adults' use of the approximate number system in symbolic addition | 2010 | Attridge, Gilmore, Inglis | Research in Mathematics Education | |
Dyscalculia: From Detection to Diagnosis | 2010 | Wankhade | SSRN | |
A Remedial Intervention for Addition and Subtraction in Children with Dyscalculia | 2010 | Beygi, Padakannaya, Gowramma | Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology | |
Using parents to help children overcome dyscalculia | 2010 | Attwood | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
Dyscalculia minus understanding equals problem | 2010 | Attwood | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
A geography teacher is not a maths teacher Tony Attwood makes an impassioned plea for greater awareness of dyscalculia amongst teachers of all school subjects | 2010 | Attwood | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
Non-symbolic numerical distance effect in children with and without developmental dyscalculia: a parametric FMRI study | 2011 | Kucian, Loenneker, Martin, von Aster | 8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology |
Impaired acuity of the approximate number system underlies mathematical learning disability (dyscalculia) | 2011 | Mazzocco, Feigenson, Halberda | 0009-3920 | Child development |
Dyscalculia: from brain to education | 2011 | Butterworth, Varma, Laurillard | 0036-8075 | Science (New York N.Y.) |
Inhibitory ability of children with developmental dyscalculia | 2011 | Zhang, Wu | 1672-0733 | Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology |
Mental number line training in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2011 | Kucian, Grond, Rotzer, Henzi, Schönmann, Plangger, Gälli, Martin, von Aster | 1053-8119 | NeuroImage |
Relationships between number and space processing in adults with and without dyscalculia | 2011 | Mussolin, Martin, Schiltz | 0001-6918 | Acta Psychologica |
Effect of teaching attention to the mathematic performance of the students with Dyscalculia in the third and fourth grade of elementary school | 2011 | Rajaie, Allahvirdiyani, Khalili, Sadeghi | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Comparing the impact of number sense on mathematics achievement in both dyscalculia and normal students | 2011 | Maryam, Mahnaz, Hasan | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Developmental Changes in the Profiles of Dyscalculia: An Explanation Based on a Double Exact-and-Approximate Number Representation Model | 2011 | Noël, Rousselle | 1662-5161 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Time processing in dyscalculia | 2011 | Cappelletti, Freeman, Butterworth | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
The "where" and "what" in developmental dyscalculia | 2011 | Henik, Rubinsten, Ashkenazi | The Clinical Neuropsychologist | |
Processing ordinality and quantity: the case of developmental dyscalculia | 2011 | Rubinsten, Sury | 1932-6203 | PLoS One |
Teaching addition to children with dyscalculia through CAI | 2011 | Singh, Agarwal | 2230-7850 | Indian Streams Research Journal |
Dyscalculia:Learning Disabilites In Mathematice and Treatment with Teaching Remedial Method Iranian Children 6 Years Old | 2011 | Tajar, Sharifi | 1991-8178 | Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences |
Weak task-related modulation and stimulus representations during arithmetic problem solving in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2012 | Ashkenazi, Rosenberg-Leea, Tenisona, Menona | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience | |
Romanian screening instrument for dyscalculia | 2012 | Gliga & Gliga | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Developing Tasks for Screening Dyscalculia Tendencies | 2012 | Olkun, Altun, Cabgöz, Gelbal, Sucuoğlu | E-Leader, Berlin | |
The diagnosis and management of dyscalculia | 2012 | Kaufmann, von Aster | Deutsches Arzteblatt International | |
Symbolic and non symbolic numerical representation in adults with and without developmental dyscalculia | 2012 | Furman, Rubinsten | 1744-9081 | Behavioral and Brain Functions |
Symbolic and non-symbolic number magnitude processing in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2012 | Cañizares, Crespo, Alemañy | 1138-7416 | The Spanish Journal of Psychology |
Temporal abnormalities in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2012 | Vicario, Rappo, Pepi, Pavan, Martino | 8756-5641 | Developmental Neuropsychology |
Dyscalculia: awareness and student support | 2012 | Kirk, Payne | 0954-7762 | Nursing Times |
"You can nurse with dyscalculia--but know your limitations" | 2012 | Kirk | 0954-7762 | Nursing Times |
Dyscalculia and vestibular function | 2012 | Smith | Medical Hypotheses | |
Cognitive inhibition in students with and without dyslexia and dyscalculia | 2012 | Wang, Tasi, Yang | Research in Developmental Disability | |
Time-Resolved and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Complex Cognitive Processes and their Role in Disorders like Developmental Dyscalculia | 2012 | Mórocz, Janoos, van Gelderen, Manor, Karni, Breznitz, von Aster, Kushnir, Shalev | International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology | |
Does attentional training improve numerical processing in developmental dyscalculia? | 2012 | Ashkenazi, Henik | Neuropsychology | |
Basic numerical capacities and prevalence of developmental dyscalculia: the Havana Survey | 2012 | Reigosa-Crespo, Valdés-Sosa, Butterworth, Estévez, Rodríguez, Santos, Torres, Suárez, Lage | Developmental Psychology | |
Dyscalculia: issues for practice in educational psychology | 2012 | Gillum | Educational Psychology in Practice | |
Numerical estimation in adults with and without developmental dyscalculia | 2012 | Mejias, Grégoire, Noël | 1041-6080 | Learning and Individual Differences |
Findings of studies on dyscalculia - a synthesis | 2012 | Raja, Kumar | 0973-8827 | i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology |
Remedial instruction to enhance mathematical ability of Dyscalculics | 2012 | Raja, Kumar | 0973-8827 | i-manager's Journal on Educational Psychology |
Dyscalculia: what it is and other maths problems | 2012 | Ross | Education Today | |
Dyscalculia/Specific Learning Difficulty in Mathematics: Identification and Intervention in Irish Primary Schools | 2012 | Neville | REACH Journal of Special Needs Education in Ireland | |
Maths difficulties, dyscalculia and modern life | 2012 | Wedderburn | Assessment & Development Matters | |
Assessing for dyscalculia: what to investigate | 2012 | Emerson, Babtie | Assessment & Development Matters | |
Lost in the equation "Are you having trouble with math? "Maybe upu have dyscalculia" | 2012 | Hughes | City | |
Dyscalculia: Number games | 2013 | Callaway | Nature News Feature | |
The added value of eye-tracking in diagnosing dyscalculia: a case study | 2013 | Van Viersen, Slot, Kroesbergen, Van't Noordende, Leseman | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
Mathematical difficulties in nonverbal learning disability or co-morbid dyscalculia and dyslexia | 2013 | Mammarella, Bomba, Caviola, Broggi, Neri, Lucangeli, Nacinovich | Developmental Neuropsycholology | |
Dyscalculia from a developmental and differential perspective | 2013 | Kaufmann, Mazzocco, Dowker, von Aster, Göbel, Grabner, Henik, Jordan, Karmiloff-Smith, Kucian, Rubinsten, Szucs, Shalev, Nuerk | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
Developmental dyscalculia is related to visuo-spatial memory and inhibition impairment | 2013 | Szucs, Devine, Soltesz, Nobes, Gabriel | 0010-9452 | Cortex |
Mental additions and verbal-domain interference in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2013 | Mammarella, Caviola, Cornoldi, Lucangeli | Research in Developmental Disabilities | |
The frequency of dyscalculia among primary school children | 2013 | Jovanovic, Jovanovic, Bankovic-Gajic, Nikolic, Svetozarevic, Ignjatovic-Ristic | Psychiatria Danubina | |
The link between logic, mathematics and imagination: evidence from children with developmental dyscalculia and mathematically gifted children | 2013 | Morsanyi, Devine, Nobes, Szucs | Developmental Science | |
Developmental dyscalculia: a dysconnection syndrome? | 2013 | Kucian, Ashkenazi, Hänggi, Rotzer, Jäncke, Martin, von Aster | Brain Structure and Function | |
Limited knowledge of fraction representations differentiates middle school students with mathematics learning disability (dyscalculia) versus low mathematics achievement | 2013 | Mazzocco, Myers, Lewis, Hanich, Murphy | Journal of Experimental Child Psychology | |
Developmental dyscalculia and low numeracy in Chinese children | 2013 | Chan, Au, Tang | Research in Developmental Disabilities | |
Do subitizing deficits in developmental dyscalculia involve pattern recognition weakness? | 2013 | Ashkenazi, Mark-Zigdon, Henik | Developmental Science | |
Parietal variant Alzheimer's disease presenting with dyscalculia | 2013 | Park, Jang, Baek, Kim, Kim | Neurological Sciences | |
A case study of arithmetic facts dyscalculia caused by a hypersensitivity-to-interference in memory | 2013 | De Visscher, Noël | 0010-9452 | Cortex |
Gender differences in developmental dyscalculia depend on diagnostic criteria | 2013 | Devine, Soltész, Nobes, Goswami, Szücs | Learning and Instruction | |
Time perception in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2013 | Pellerone | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Contributions of longitudinal studies to evolving definitions and knowledge of developmental dyscalculia | 2013 | Mazzocco, Räsänen | 2211-9493 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education |
Core deficit and individual manifestations of developmental dyscalculia(DD): The role of comorbidity | 2013 | Landerl, Göbel, Moll | 2211-9493 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education |
Developmental dyscalculia: Fresh perspectives | 2013 | Editorial | 2211-9493 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education |
Multiple components of developmental dyscalculia | 2013 | Fias, Menon, Szucs | 2211-9493 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education |
Developmental trajectories of grey and white matter in dyscalculia | 2013 | Ranpura, Isaacs, Edmonds, Rogers, Lanigan, Singhal, Clayden, Clark, Butterworth | 2211-9493 | Trends in Neuroscience and Education |
A teacher's perspective of dyscalculia: Who counts? An interdisciplinary overview | 2013 | Williams | Australian Journal of Learning Difficulties | |
Diagnosing Developmental Dyscalculia on the Basis of Reliable Single Case FMRI Methods: Promises and Limitations | 2013 | Dinkel, Willmes, Krinzinger, Konrad, Koten | 1932-6203 | Plos One |
Operational momentum effect in children with and without developmental dyscalculia | 2013 | Kucian, Plangger, O'Gorman, von Aster | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
The Effectiveness of Training Acceptance / Commitment and Training Emotion Regulation on High-Risk Behaviors of Students with Dyscalculia | 2013 | Narimani, Abbasi, Abolghasemi, Ahadi | International Journal of High Risk Behaviors and Addiction | |
Development of numerical processing in children with typical and dyscalculic arithmetic skills - a longitudinal study | 2013 | Landerl | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
Dyscalculia: Characteristics, Causes, and Treatments | 2013 | Price | Numeracy Advancing Education in Quantitative Literacy | |
Accommodation for Dyscalculic Children in an E-Learning Environment | 2013 | Pirani, Sasikumar | International Journal of Computer Applications | |
Comparing Amusia Between Dyslexic And Dyscalculia Students With Normal Students | 2013 | Mohebbi, Estaki | Advances in Environmental Biology | |
Number Line Estimation in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia | 2013 | Sella, Berteletti, Martina, Lucangeli, Zorzi | Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal | |
Computer based screening dyscalculia: cognitive and Neuropsychological correlates | 2013 | Cangöz, Altun, Olkun, Kaçar | TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology | |
Development of assistive technology for students with dyscalculia | 2013 | Poobrasert, Gestubtim | Second International Conference on E-Learning and E-Technologies in Education (ICEEE) | |
Investigating and Remediating Gender Difference in Mathematics Performance among Dyslexic and Dyscalculic Learners in Sokoto State, Nigeria. | 2013 | Yusha'u | 2222-1735 | Journal of Education and Practice |
Manifestations of Dyslexia and Dyscalculia | 2013 | Osisanya, Lazarus, Adewunmi | Journal of International Special Needs Education | |
Five ways to understand dyscalculia | 2013 | Attwood | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
Assessment of the awareness of dyscalculia among educators [Avaliação do conhecimento sobre a discalculia entre educadores] | 2013 | Dias, Pereira, van Borsel | ACR | |
Residual number processing in dyscalculia | 2014 | Cappelletti, Price | NeuroImage: Clinical | |
The effectiveness of life skill training on self-esteem and communication skills of students with dyscalculia | 2014 | Kazemi, Momeni, Abolghasemi | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia, and Left-Right Confusion from a Left Posterior Peri-Insular Infarct | 2014 | Bhattacharyya, Cai, Klein | 0953-4180 | Behavioural Neurology |
Effect of a Virtual Environment on the Development of Mathematical Skills in Children with Dyscalculia | 2014 | De Castro, Bissaco, Panccioni, Rodrigues, Domingues | 1932-6203 | Plos One |
Development of magnitude processing in children with developmental dyscalculia: space, time, and number | 2014 | Skagerlund, Träff | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
Preliminary evidence for performance enhancement following parietal lobe stimulation in Developmental Dyscalculia | 2014 | Iuculano, Cohen Kadosh | 1662-5161 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
When your brain cannot do 2 + 2: a case of developmental dyscalculia | 2014 | Bugden, Ansari | Neuroscience | |
Preterm Birth and Dyscalculia | 2014 | Jaekel, Wolke | J Pediatr | |
Developmental dyscalculia in children and adolescents with idiopathic epilepsies in a Brazilian sample | 2014 | Thomé, Alves, Guerreiro, da Costa, Moreira, Lima, Tavares, Maia-Filho | 0004-282X | Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria |
Screening Dyscalculia and Algorithmic Thinking Difficulties | 2014 | Antonia, V. Panagiotis, K. Panagiotis | "1st International Conference on New Developments in Science and Technology Education" | |
Web-based learning tool for primary school student with Dyscalculia | 2014 | Rani, Firdaus, Rohizan, Rahman | "International Conference on Information Technology and Multimedia (ICIMU)" | |
An Appraisal of Sciences and Mathematics Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Syndrome among Secondary Schools Students | 2014 | Oginni, Olugbuyi | American Journal of Educational Research | |
The Role of the General Practitioner in Diagnosing and Treating Dyslexia, Dysgraphia and Dyscalculia | 2014 | Gergely, Lakos | Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion | |
A preliminary study for dyscalculia in sabah, malaysia | 2014 | Eng, Pang, Keong, Keong, Wah, Fah | 2587-1730 | The Eurasia Proceedings of Educational & Social Sciences (EPESS) |
Working memory deficits in developmental dyscalculia: The importance of serial order | 2015 | Attout, Majerus | Child Neuropsychology | |
Development of computer play pedagogy intervention for children with low conceptual understanding in basic mathematics operation using the dyscalculia feature approach | 2015 | Syah, Hamzaid, Murphy, Lim | Interactive Learning Environments | |
Math anxiety and developmental dyscalculia: A study on working memory processes | 2015 | Mammarella, Hill, Devine, Caviola, Szucs | Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology | |
Working Memory for Serial Order Is Dysfunctional in Adults With a History of Developmental Dyscalculia: Evidence From Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data | 2015 | Attout, Salmon, Majerus | 8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology |
Serial-order learning impairment and hypersensitivity-to-interference in dyscalculia | 2015 | De Visscher, Szmalec, Van Der Linden, Noël | Cognition | |
A general number-to-space mapping deficit in developmental dyscalculia | 2015 | Huber, Sury, Moeller, Rubinsten, Nuerk | Research in Developmental Disabilities | |
Helping Children With Dyscalculia: A Teaching Programme With Three Primary School Children | 2015 | Zerafa | 1877-0428 | Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences |
Nature and origins of mathematics difficulties in very preterm children: a different etiology than developmental dyscalculia | 2015 | Simms, Gilmore, Cragg, Clayton, Marlow, Johnson | International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. | |
Dyscalculia and dyslexia in adults: Cognitive bases of comorbidity | 2015 | Wilson, Andrewes, Struthers, Rowe, Bogdanovic, Waldie | 1041-6080 | Learning and Individual Differences |
Commentary: Development of magnitude processing in children with developmental dyscalculia: space, time, and number | 2015 | Fischer | 1664-1078 | Frontiers in Psychology |
Link between cognitive neuroscience and education: the case of clinical assessment of developmental dyscalculia | 2015 | Rubinsten | 1662-5161 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Developmental Dyscalculia: A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective | 2015 | Rubinsten | Brain Disorders & Therapy | |
Brain hyper-connectivity and operation-specific deficits during arithmetic problem solving in children with developmental dyscalculia | 2015 | Rosenberg-Lee, Ashkenazi, Chen, Young, Geary, Menon | Dev Sci. | |
Digital memory encoding in Chinese dyscalculia: An event-related potential study | 2015 | Wang, Qin, Chang, Zhu | Research in Developmental Disabilities | |
Assessment of learning disability (dyscalculia) among school going children: todays concern | 2015 | Pandey, Agarwal | International Journal of Current Research | |
Assessing Efficacy of Emotional Regulation Techniques on Alexithymia among Students Who Suffer From Dyscalculia | 2015 | Soleymani, Habibi, Monajemi | The International Journal of Indian Psychology | |
Are Virtual Learning Environments Appropriate for Dyscalculic Students? | 2015 | Lenz, Schuster, Richert, Jeschke | 7th IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Games, Entertainment, Media Conference | |
Developmental Dyscalculia of Digital Memory Retrieval | 2015 | Wang | Journal of neurology and neuroscience | |
Can Dyscalculics Estimate the Results of Arithmetic Problems? | 2015 | Ganor-Stern | 0022-2194 | Journal of Learning Disabilities |
Probing the nature of deficits in the 'Approximate Number System' in children with persistent Developmental Dyscalculia | 2015 | Bugden, Ansari | Developmental Science | |
Developmental dyscalculia | 2015 | Kucian, Von Aster | Eur J Pediatr | |
Working Memory for Serial Order Is Dysfunctional in Adults With a History of Developmental Dyscalculia: Evidence From Behavioral and Neuroimaging Data | 2015 | Attout, Salmon, Majerus | 8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology |
Old/New Effect of Digital Memory Retrieval in Chinese Dyscalculia: Evidence from ERP | 2015 | Wang, Du, Ma | 0022-2194 | Journal of Learning Disabilities |
ICT Based Screening Tools and Etiology of Dyscalculia | 2015 | Pappas, Drigas | International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy | |
Towards digital intervention: overview of dyscalculia in indonesia | 2015 | cahyana, Azimi | Jurnal sistem komputer | |
A Brief Look Into Dyscalculia And Supportive Tools | 2015 | Ferraz, Neves | The 5th IEEE International Conference on E-Health and Bioengineering - EHB 2015 | |
Arithmetic Fact Retrieval Are There Differences Between Children With Developmental Dyscalculia and Those With Mathematical Difficulties? | 2015 | Busch, Schmidt, Grube | Zeitschrift für Psychologie | |
Good math education in kindergarten cannot prevent dyscalculia | 2015 | Van Luit | Journal of Psychology and Education | |
Dyscalculia Joining the dots | 2015 | Babtie | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
Developmental dyscalculia: A deficit in the approximate number system or an access deficit? | 2016 | Olsson, östergren, Träff | Cognitive Development | |
Dyscalculia and the Calculating Brain | 2016 | Rapin | Pediatric Neurology | |
Traffic-related air pollution and hyperactivity/inattention, dyslexia and dyscalculia in adolescents of the German GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts | 2016 | Fuertes, Standl, Forns, Berdel, Garcia-Aymerich, Markevych, Schulte-Koerne, Sugiri, Schikowski, Tiesler, Heinrich | Environment International | |
Working memory in children's math learning and its disruption in dyscalculia | 2016 | Menon | Neuroscience of education | |
The prevalence of developmental dyscalculia in Brazilian public school system | 2016 | Bastos, Cecato, Martins, Grecca, Pierini | 0004-282X | Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria |
Emerging Technologies for ICT based Education for Dyscalculia: Implications for Computer Engineering Education | 2016 | Drigas, Pappas, Lytras | 0949-149X | International Journal of Engineering Education |
Stealth Assessment in ITS - A Study for Developmental Dyscalculia | 2016 | Klingler, Käser, Busetto, Solenthaler, Kohn, Von Aster, Gross | International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems | |
An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Dyscalculia | 2016 | Ferraz, Neves, Costa, Vicente | Mobile and Wireless Technologies 2016 | |
Basic numerical processing, calculation, and working memory in children with dyscalculia and/or ADHD symptoms | 2016 | Kuhn, Ise, Raddatz, Schwenk, Dobel | 1422-4917 | Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie |
Predictors of primary school teachers' knowledge about developmental dyscalculia | 2016 | Sousa, Dias, Cadime | 0885-6257 | European Journal of Special Needs Education |
Significance of Data Mining Techniques in Classifying Dyscalculia | 2016 | Margaj, Purohit | 2319-7242 | International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science |
The Mental Number Line in Dyscalculia: Impaired Number Sense or Access From Symbolic Numbers? | 2016 | Lafay, St-Pierre, Macoir | 0022-2194 | Journal of Learning Disabilities |
Dyscalculia ≠ maths difficulties. An analysis of conflicting positions at a time that calls for inclusive practices | 2016 | Schmidt | 0885-6257 | European Journal of Special Needs Education |
Impact of Instructional Resources on Mathematics Performance of Learners with Dyscalculia in Integrated Primary Schools, Arusha City, Tanzania | 2016 | Yusta, Karugu, Muthee, Tekle | 2222-1735 | Journal of Education and Practice |
Prevalence of dyscalculia among school going children across gender | 2016 | Pandey, Agarwal | 2321-1784 | International Journal in Management and Social Science |
Dyscalculia - a learning disability | 2016 | Singh | 2348-9359 | International Research Journal of Management Sociology & Humanity |
Dyscalculia, causes, intervention and Pakistani scenario | 2016 | Saeeda | 1726-8710 | Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric society |
Diagnostic Assessment and Mathematical Difficulties: An Experimental Study of Dyscalculia | 2016 | Rababah, Alghazo | Open Journal of Social Sciences | |
A survey of the mathematical problems (dyscalculia) Confronting primary school pupils in buea municipality in the South west region of Cameroon | 2016 | Nfon | International Journal of Education and Research | |
Interactive Specialisation Theory, typical numerical development and the case of dyscalculia | 2016 | Stark, Eve, Murphy | Educational & Child Psychology | |
Developmental Dyslexia and Dysgraphia: What can We Learn from the One About the Other? | 2016 | Döhla, Heim | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Secondary Mathematics Teachers: What they Know and Don't Know about Dyscalculia | 2016 | Chideridou-Mandari, Padeliadu, Karamatsouki, Sandravelis, Karagiannidis | International Journal of Learning, teaching and educational research | |
Dyscalculia focus for SPELD NZ conference 2016 | 2016 | SPELD NZ | Schoolnews | |
A unified factor-analytic approach to the detection of item and test bias: Illustration with the effect of providing calculators to students with dyscalculia | 2016 | M.K. Lee, J.J. Lee, Wells, Sireci | The Quantitative Methods for Psychology | |
Student with dyscalculia needs special assistance Mathematical disabilities can be remediated | 2016 | Dutta | The Progressive Teacher | |
Late-onset nonlesional nondominant frontal lobe seizures presenting as ictal dyscalculia | 2017 | Hsieh, Lai, Lin, Huang | Kaohsiung J Med Sci | |
Young Adults with Developmental Dyscalculia Do Represent and Process Number Magnitude | 2017 | Tzelgov, Zohar-Shai, Labovich, Goldman, Simon, Rubinsten | National institute for testing & evaluation | |
Adolescents with Developmental Dyscalculia Do Not Have a Generalized Magnitude Deficit - Processing of Discrete and Continuous Magnitudes | 2017 | McCaskey, Von Aster, O'Gorman Tuura, Kucian | 1662-5161 | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience |
Towards a Mobile App Design Model for Dyscalculia Children | 2017 | Halim, Sugathan, Ariffin | IEEE Conference on e-Learning, e-Management and e-Services (IC3e) | |
Mobile application for dyscalculia children in Malaysia | 2017 | Ariffin, Halim, Aziz | Zulikha, J. & N. H. Zakaria (Eds.) | |
Developmental Dyscalculia and Automatic Magnitudes Processing: Investigating Interference Effects between Area and Perimeter | 2017 | Eidlin-Levy, Rubinsten | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Dyscalculia: Whats in a Name? | 2017 | Desoete | Open Access J Sci | |
Indicators for a specific learning disorder in mathematics or dyscalculia in toddlers and in kindergarten children | 2017 | Desoete, Baten | Belgian journal of paediatrics | |
Developmental Dyscalculia in Adults: Beyond Numerical Magnitude Impairment | 2017 | De Visscher, Noël, Pesenti, Dormal | Journal of Learning Disabilities | |
The natural number bias and its role in rational number understanding in children with dyscalculia. Delay or deficit? | 2017 | Van Hoof, Verschaffel, Ghesquière, Van Dooren | Research in Developmental Disabilities | |
A systematic review of interventions for children presenting with dyscalculia in primary schools | 2017 | Monei, Pedro | Educational Psychology in Practice | |
The Effects of Computer Assisted Instruction Materials on Approximate Number Skills of Students with Dyscalculia | 2017 | Mutlu, Akgün | TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology | |
Effect of Computer-assisted Neurocognitive Rehabilitation on Inhibitory Control of the Students With Dyscalculia | 2017 | Monsef, Soleymani, Shalchi | Iranian Rehabilitation Journal | |
A Neuropsychological Approach of Developmental Dyscalculia and a Screening Test Via a Web Application | 2017 | Zygouris, Vlachos, Dadaliaris, Oikonomou, Stamoulis, Vavougios, Nerantzaki, Striftou | 2192-4880 | International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP) |
An Online Survey Research Regarding Awareness of Dyscalculia among Educators in Sandakan District, Sabah | 2017 | Fu, Chin | 2226-6348 | International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development |
Dyscalculia at an Early Age: Characteristics and Potential Influence on Socio-Emotional Development PS. Zie original edition 2006 | 2017 | Geary | Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development | |
Dyscalculia and dyslexia: Different behavioral, yet similar brain activity profiles during arithmetic | 2018 | Peters, Bulthé, Daniels, Op de Beeck, De Smedt | NeuroImage: Clinical | |
No evidence for systematic white matter correlates of dyslexia and dyscalculia | 2018 | Moreau, Wilson, McKay, Nihill, Waldie | NeuroImage: Clinical | |
Functional hyperconnectivity vanishes in children with developmental dyscalculia after numerical intervention | 2018 | Michels, O'Gorman, Kucian | Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience | |
Cognitive and Emotional Math Problems Largely Dissociate: Prevalence of Developmental Dyscalculia and Mathematics Anxiety | 2018 | Devine, Hill, Carey, Szücs | Journal of Educational Psychology | |
Associative Cognitive Factors of Math Problems in Students Diagnosed With Developmental Dyscalculia | 2018 | Van Luit, Toll | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Against the Odds: Insights from a Statistician with Dyscalculia | 2018 | Lewis, Lynn | Education Science | |
Meeting the Needs of Students with Dyslexia and Dyscalculia | 2018 | Witzel, Mize | SRATE Journal | |
A Diffusion Model Analysis of Magnitude Comparison in Children with and without Dyscalculia: Care of Response and Ability Are Related to Both Mathematical Achievement and Stimuli | 2018 | Szardenings, Kuhn, Ranger, Holling | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Dyscalculia and Typical Math Achievement Are Associated With Individual Differences in Number-Specific Executive Function | 2018 | Wilkey, Pollack, Price | Child Development | |
Dyslexia and dyscalculia are characterized by common visual perception deficits | 2018 | Cheng, Xiao, Chen, Cui, Zhou | Developmental neuropsychology | |
Developmental Dyscalculia is Characterized by Order Processing Deficits: Evidence from Numerical and Non-Numerical Ordering Tasks | 2018 | Morsanyia, Van Bers, O'Connora, McCormack | 8756-5641 | Developmental neuropsychology |
Dyscalculia and Transitions into Higher Education and the Workplace | 2018 | Trott | Perspectives on Language and Literacy | |
Analyzing Global Components in Developmental Dyscalculia and Dyslexia | 2018 | Di Filippo, Zoccolotti | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Analysis of the dyscalculia with the implementation of a design workshop in CATIA in a primary school in Puebla | 2018 | Del Angel, Aburto, Aburto, Gonzalez-Perez | 2454-1311 | International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science (IJAEMS) |
Conceptual Size in Developmental Dyscalculia and Dyslexia | 2018 | Gliksman, Henik | Neuropsychology | |
Asymmetrical interference between number and item size perception provides evidence for a domain specific impairment in dyscalculia | 2018 | Castaldi, Mirassou, Dehaene, Piazza, Eger | PLoS One | |
Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations of number as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia | 2019 | Bulthé, Prinsen, Vanderauwera, Duyck, Daniels, Gillebert, Mantini, Op de Beeck, De Smedt | NeuroImage | |
Dyscalculia: Early predictors and practical recommendations | 2019 | Desoete | Pediatr Dimensions | |
Potis Calculia: Learning Resources Platform for Dyscalculia | 2019 | Kasinathan, Mustapha, Won, Mandhana | International Journal of Engineering & Technology | |
Developmental Dyscalculia and Down Syndrome: Indicative Evidence | 2019 | Cuskelly, Faragher | 1034-912X | International Journal of Disability, Development and Education |
Teaching number tracing to at-risk dyscalculia pupil: a single case study in Linus 2.0 numeracy remedial class in sandakan, sabah | 2019 | Fu, Chin | 2289-3024 | Malaysian online journal of educational sciences |
Effects of Instructional Activities Based on Multiple Intelligences Theory on Academic Achievement of Omani Students with Dyscalculia | 2019 | Al-Zoubi, Al-Adawi | 2149-360X | Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientists |
Substantiating synesthesia: a novel aid in a case of grapheme-colour synesthesia and concomitant dyscalculia | 2019 | Berger, Harris, Whittingham, Terpeninga, Watsona | 1355-4794 | Neurocase |
Volumetric and surface characteristics of gray matter in adult dyslexia and dyscalculia | 2019 | Moreau, Wiebels, Wilson, Waldie | 0028-3932 | Neuropsychologia |
Near optimal encoding of numerosity in typical and dyscalculic development | 2019 | Anobile, Burr, Gasperini, Cicchini | 0010-9452 | Cortex |
Spontaneous representation of numerosity in typical and dyscalculic development | 2019 | Cicchini, Anobile, Burr | 0010-9452 | Cortex |
The Diagnosis and Treatment of Dyscalculia | 2019 | Haberstroh, Schulte-Körne | Deutsches Ärzteblatt International | |
The effect of self-regulation empowerment program training on neurocognitive and social skills in students with dyscalculia | 2019 | Karbasdehi, Abolghasemi, Khanzadeh | Archives of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy | |
Is there any difference in executive function and social adequacy between the children with dyslexia or dyscalculia disorder? | 2019 | Shakouri, Hashemi-Razini | Chronic Diseases Journal | |
The analysis of dyscalculia students learning difficulty in inclusive education of primary school level in tasikmalaya | 2019 | Ratnaningsih, Arhasy, Hidayat | Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning | |
Examining the relationships between perceptual Load patterns, selective attention and visuospatial Working memory of twice exceptional pupils With dyscalculia of primary stage | 2019 | Ali, Donia, Osman | 2501-2428 | European Journal of Special Education Research |
Diagnosis tools of dyscalculia - contribution of didactics of mathematics to numerical cognition | 2019 | Peteers, Ouvrier-Buffet | Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education | |
Summing-up dyscalculia How to identify and support dyscalculia at school | 2019 | Hornigold | 1755-4845 | SEN: Special Educational Needs |
Dyscalculia: 'maths dyslexia' or why so many children struggle with numbers | 2019 | Morsanyi | teacha! The Magazine for South African Teacher | |
Count on me Dyscalculia: How to spot it and factor it in your daily life | 2019 | Sciatiel | Gibraltar Insight | |
Short-term numerosity training promotes symbolic arithmetic in children with developmental dyscalculia: The mediating role of visual form perception | 2019 | Cheng, Xiao, Cui, Chen, Zeng, Chen, Zhou | Developmental Science | |
Enumeration and Alertness in Developmental Dyscalculia | 2019 | Gliksman, Henik | Journal of Cognition | |
Screening Test On Dyscalculia Learners To Develop A Suitable Augmented Reality (AR) Assistive Learning Application | 2019 | Miundy, Zaman, Nordin, Ng | Malaysian Journal of Computer Science | |
Persistent Effects of Musical Training on Mathematical Skills of Children With Developmental Dyscalculia | 2020 | Ribeiro, Santos | Frontiers in Psychology | |
Comparative effects of explicit instruction and concrete representational abstract strategy on mathematics achievement of primary threepupils with dyscalculia in FCT Abuja, Nigeria | 2020 | Nneka | 2501-2428 | European Journal of Special Education Research |
Developmental dyscalculia in adults Current issues and open questions for future research | 2020 | Kaufmann, Von Aster, Göbel, Marksteiner, Klein | Lernen und Lernstörungen | |
Technological Aids for Dyscalculic Children | 2020 | Vanjari, Bakre, Parmar, Singal | SSRN | |
Cognitive correlates of dyslexia, dyscalculia and comorbid dyslexia/dyscalculia: Effects of numerical magnitude processing and phonological processing | 2020 | Peters, Op de Beeck, De Smedt | Research in Developmental Disabilities | |
Dyscalculia/Dyslexia: A Dichotomy? | 2020 | Andersson, Abdelmalek | Foundations of Science | |
The Causes, Prevalence and Interventions for Dyscalculia in Malaysia | 2020 | Aquil, Ariffin | 2239-978X | Journal of Educational and Social Research |
Exploring Teachers' Knowledge and Students' Status about Dyscalculia at Basic Level Students in Nepal | 2020 | Kunwar, Sharma | 1305-8223 | EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education |
The analysis of dyscalculia that referred to the learning style of fleming and mills theory on matrix materials of MAN 1 Metro students | 2020 | Jannah, Bharata | Journal of Physics: Conference Series | |
Persistent Differences in Brain Structure in Developmental Dyscalculia: A Longitudinal Morphometry Study | 2020 | McCaskey, Von Aster, O'Gorman, Kucian | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | |
Excessive visual crowding effects in developmental dyscalculia | 2020 | Castaldi, Turi, Gassama, Piazza, Eger | 1534-7362 | Journal of Vision |
Can abacus course eradicate developmental dyscalculia | 2020 | Lu, Ma, Chen, Zhou | 1520-6807 | Psychology in the Schools |
Legenda: Enkele zoekmachine waarin bovenstaande artikelen te vinden zijn: Rood: acquired dyscalculia = acalculia PS. Deze informatie dient enkel ter indicatie. |