Engelstalige boeken
| Titel | Jaartal | Auteur(s) | ISBN | Prijs |
 | Aphasia: Selected Readings Chapter 15: Acalculia. pp. 162-169 PS. Dit hoofdstuk is identiek aan het artikel "Acalculia" van Grewel (1952) | 1972 | Sarno (ed) Ch. 15: Grewel | 0-13-038752-5 | €47,56 |
 | Clinical Neuropsychology Chapter 5: The acalculias. pp. 128-140 | 1979 | Heilman, Valenstein Ch. 5: Levin | 0-19-502477-x | $15,00 |
 | Clinical Neuropsychology, 2th Edition Chapter 5: Acalculia. pp. 97-114 | 1985 | Heilman, Valenstein Ch. 5: Levin, Spiers | 0-19-503416-3 | $15,00 |
 | Mathematical disabilities: A cognitive neuropsychological perspective Chapter 1: Acalculia revisited: Current issues, pp. 1-25 | 1987 | Deloche, Seron Ch. 1: Spiers | 0-89859-891-5 | £45,95 |
 | Cognition in individual and social contexts Chapter: Cognitive representations of arithmetic knowledge: Evidence from acquired dyscalculia. pp. 577-591. | 1989 | Bennett, McConkie Ch: Sokol, McCloskey, Cohen | 978-0-444-88521-0 | €173,00 |
 | Cognitive neuropsychology and neurolinguistics. Advances in Models of Cognitive Function and Impairment Chapter 1: Cognitive representations and processes in number production: Evidence from cases of acquired dyscalculia. pp. 1-32 | 1990 | Caramazza (ed). Ch. 1: McCloskey, Sokol, Goodman-Schulman, Caramazza | 0-89859-892-3 | £60,00 |
 | Clinical Neuropsychology, 3th Edition Chapter 5: Acalculia. pp. 91-122 | 1993 | Heilman, Valenstein Ch. 5: Levin, Goldstein, Spiers | 978-0195081237 | $64,00 |
 | Patient-based approaches to cognitive neurosciences Chapter 28: Acalculia. pp. 345-351 | 2000 | Farah, Feinber (editors) Ch: Grafman, Rickard | 978-0262561235 | $48.00 |
 | Neurological Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience Hoofdstuk 7: Acalculia: A Disorder of Numerical Cognition | 2002/ 2003? | D'Esposito Ch: Gitelman | 978-0262042093 | $13.75 |
 | Encyclopedia of Cognitive Science Chapter: Acalculia | 2006 | Nadel Ch: Whalen | 978-0470016190 | €175.00 |
 | The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke Chapter 8: Acalculia and Gerstmann's syndrome. pp. 126-147 | 2007 | Godefroy, Bogousslavsky Ch. 8: Cohen, Wilson, Izard, Dehaene | 978-0521842617 | €109,00 |
 | Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology, Volume 88 3rd series (Handbook of Clinical Neurology) Chapter 17: Acalculia. pp. 339-358 | 2008 | Goldenberg (Editor), Miller (Editor) Ch: Willmes | 978-0444518972 | $360.00 |
 | Acalculia | 2010 | Miller, Vandome, McBrewster | 978-6131805387 | €34.00 |
 | Clinical Neuropsychology, 5th Edition Chapter 8: Acalculia and disturbances of the body schema. pp. 169-197 | 2011 | Heilman, Valenstein Ch. 8: Denburg, Tranel | 978-0195384871 | $103,50 |
 | The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke (2nd edition) Chapter 10: Acalculia. pp. 101-113 | 2013 | Godefroy Ch. 10: Cohen, Dehaene | 978-1139058988 | $105,50 |
PS. Deze prijzen dienen enkel ter indicatie en kunnen per boekhandel verschillen.
Groen: Het woord 'dyscalculia' staat niet in de titel van het boek Rood: acquired dyscalculia = acalculia |